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Our focus is on the three priority areas where we can make a unique contribution - raising literacy levels, improving learning outcomes and contributing to competitiveness. At the same time we recognise a broader responsible business agenda based on issues which we share with many companies across different industries.

Responsible business practice cuts across all aspects of our company and our focus is to integrate this into the way we manage our businesses. The main issues that we track as part of our broad responsible business practice strategy are:

Environment Supply chain People Customers Communities
Climate change Responsible procurement Workforce
of the future
Freedom of expression Active citizenship
Responsible resource use   Diversity and inclusion Editorial independence and integrity  
    People development Appropriateness and accessibility of content  
    Collaboration and engagement Product safety  
    Health, safety and well-being    

Some of these issues are central to our business success; others may be small based on our commercial operations but have the potential to significantly impact our reputation. As we operate in over 70 countries, the relative significance of issues and therefore our responsible business strategy can vary based on varying operational, political and regulatory environments as well as customer expectations.