Our framework

We believe that there is no one single definition of responsible business practice that can be applied to every company. Instead, we have developed our own responsible business framework to reflect who we are as a company, what we do and the expectations that our investors, customers and the people that work at Pearson have of us. Our approach is dynamic, shaped and influenced by the priorities and views of our many stakeholders.

Values, principles and behaviour
The bedrock of corporate responsibility at Pearson is our company culture. We have a clear and simple set of values - in everything we do, we aspire to be brave, imaginative and decent.

Corporate responsibility governance
Corporate responsibility cannot be separated from our financial performance and reputation. As such, our board of directors has ultimate responsibility for considering issues of business responsibility in setting business strategy.

Pearson also has an established risk assessment process for identifying and managing Social, Environmental and Ethical (SEE) risk.

The Pearson Code of Conduct sets the standard against which we develop our tax strategy. Our Code requires all Pearson companies to comply with the laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate and this includes taxation payments to governments.